I read an article on Code.org and it talked about how NOT to get hacked. I thought it was interesting because usually I don't think about the small details that the article talked about that could help me from getting hacked. The first tip that was given to the reader was to look for the lock in the address bar. If it says "http" in the address bar and the lock is locked than that means the users information is safe. Other tip that was given to the reader was to download from trustworthy sources. The article talked about how some sources may lead the user to install unwanted apps called viruses. Another tip the reader was given was NOT to email private data. It went on to explain that even if there’s a lock on your browser, not all the information you send and receive is private. Another tip that was given to the readers was to use multiple passwords. According to the article, in addition to creating strong passwords, you unfortunately must use a different password for each web site you use. If a hacker does get access to one of your passwords, you don’t want them to get into ALL your accounts. Another tip that was given to the readers was to NOT plug in devices/accessories from strangers. According to the article, if somebody gives you a memory card for your computer or even a USB power cable for your phone, it could infect your device with a virus the moment you plug it in.
